Friday, May 4, 2007

Can A Calculator Really Hack a PC?

The answer is yes and very simple too. Get a texas instruments calculator with a usb port, upload a program called PasswordStealer.exe, connect the calculator to the pc and run the program while your at the logon screen. The calculator will spit out the password to whichever user you highlighted.
Businesses beware of texas instrument calculator wielding geeks, they could be your networks biggest threat.

Youtuber Uploads Video On How to Hack Myspace Accounts

Youtuber austinator uploaded a video March 22, 2007 that uses a web-based tool to exploit myspace users.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

PostieCon Rescheduled to November 10, 2007

PayPerPost's blogging conference PostieCon '07 was originally supposed to be located in central florida Orlando when abruptly it was rescheduled and relocated. The new location for PostieCon '07 will be held is the gambling capital of the world Las Vegas. Since the relocation and a lot of unhappy ticket holders the new PostieCon will be absolutely free. PayPerPost has stated on their website that refunds will be given to those who bought tickets for the Orlando PostieCon but can't make it to the Las Vegas PostieCon.

Pirater Forced To Take Out Humiliating Advertisement

M A Jabarkhail of Grimsby was caught selling Microsoft copyrighted materials on ebay. He was found guilty by the EU (European Union) Intellectual Property Enforcement Directive and forced by judgement to take out a ad in PC Retail (Cost £370) that admits hes nothing but an ebay pirater.
"Such a public admission of guilt is certainly a deterrent to those attempting to counterfeit products especially when the threat of asset recovery is, in some cases, uncertain," said Simon Barnett from law firm Mishcon de Reya.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

E-Gold Versus the FBI and IRS

E-gold is a all gold backed global digital currency businesses which was indicted by a federal grand jury. E-gold is accused of running an unrelated financial network that makes it easy for criminals to move money. The grand jury alleged in their indictment that e-gold is used for investment scams, credit card and identify fraud, and selling child pornography. The jury also alleged E-gold has full knowledge that their proceeds are from unlawful activity, and therefore violated federal money laundering statutes.

When banks help fund criminals they don't get charged with laundering but yet E-gold is singled out even though they`ve voluntarily provided information that the FBI asked for. I think the real story is the quick collection of all your personal information without your permission is un feathered while setting up a legitiment currency exchange store is punished.

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Viacom Admits They`ve Been Too Harsh

On April 23rd the Electronic Frontier Foundation dropped a lawsuit against Viacom for removing's youtube video that showed clips of the Colbert Report. Viacom promised to be less harsh against people trying to create "creative, newsworthy or transformative" that show copyright material aslong as its for non-commercial purposes. Viacom also agreed to setup a website and email "hotline" that would promise to review any complaint within 1 business day, and could reinstate your account/video(s) if the takedown was in error. But does this protect our freedom of speech, and our right to fairly use copyright material?

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15,570 Spammers Faced With Billion Dollar Lawsuit

Project Honey Pot filed a complaint on behalf of their tens of thousands of members against the owners of the servers who run email harvesting engines. These spiders are made to look for mailto: tags and and other domain names, save the email address, then sell them as e-mail marketing lists. These email marketing services know the dangers of gathering emails and spamming them I`m sure, it`s a great way to get your isp service canceled and future service denied.

Faced with all these inconveniences (like billion dollar lawsuits) spammers still won't stop spamming their male enlargement products, so I doubt this whole thing will have much effect. Although Project Honey Pot has identified 15,570 IP addresses used by harvesters to gather email address, there will always be the next guy, or those guys you missed.

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