Monday, April 30, 2007

15,570 Spammers Faced With Billion Dollar Lawsuit

Project Honey Pot filed a complaint on behalf of their tens of thousands of members against the owners of the servers who run email harvesting engines. These spiders are made to look for mailto: tags and and other domain names, save the email address, then sell them as e-mail marketing lists. These email marketing services know the dangers of gathering emails and spamming them I`m sure, it`s a great way to get your isp service canceled and future service denied.

Faced with all these inconveniences (like billion dollar lawsuits) spammers still won't stop spamming their male enlargement products, so I doubt this whole thing will have much effect. Although Project Honey Pot has identified 15,570 IP addresses used by harvesters to gather email address, there will always be the next guy, or those guys you missed.

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