Wednesday, March 20, 2024

AION Classic 2.7: Rise of the Revenant - Official Announcement Trailer

Check out the latest trailer for AION Classic for the reveal that the latest update 2.7: Rise of the Revenant is coming soon to the fantasy MMORPG. Update 2.7: Rise of the Revenant will bring a new "Revenant" class, new instances, a newly added starting region called Telos accessible exclusively by Soldiers (starting class) and Revenants (Soldiers who’ve become Revenants by completing special missions), new systems, and more. The Revenant class are Daeva soldiers who had been taken prisoner by Tiamat’s Legion and subsequently brainwashed and experimented on. Eventually breaking free, they regain their memories and return safely back to Atreia to be reborn again. However, these survivors are bitter towards their superiors, who they feel have forgotten about the sacrifice of their comrades. Instead, they rebel, electing to forge a different path for themselves.Update 2.7 brings with it a newly added starting region, Telos, accessible exclusively by Soldiers (starting class) and Revenants (Soldiers who’ve become Revenants by completing special missions). Created by Siel’s Relic, Telos is a space where the memories of Tiamat and Daeva Subject 707 have coalesced, creating an unstable spacetime flux. However, the trade-off is that the Revenant class cannot complete certain campaigns in Ishalgen, Altgard, Poeta, and Verteron.

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